Journal of The School of Marine Science and Technology,Vol.1 No.1
The Activity of Mathematics Enjoyment
Akihiko TANAKA and Shin WATANABE
We have the wretched problem in the mathematical education. This problem is that many students are dislike mathematics.We cannot clear up the problem. So we want them to like mathematics and to study it with enjoyment.We hope to change the feeling for mathematics,and to put the plan into practice as soon as possible.This plan is the activity of mathematics enjoyment. We learn the concrete mathematics with younger students at the science festival. In school mathematical lesson the teacher is teaching the abstract mathematics.The student cannot understand it.The student learns mathematics with the passive stand.In this time we used the system of the numbers that is the binary system.The student wants to learn it with interesting and to solve and to prove any mathematical knowledge.We want that the student will have a very pleasant experience in learning mathematics. In this report we tell to have a very interesting time to study mathematics and get the small solution of the wretched problem.
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