Edito-in-Chief Omer AYDAN,Dr.Eng. (Department of Marine Engineering)
Vice Editor-in-Chief Yoshio TAKAHASHI (Department of Foreign Languages)
Members Tadashi OKAJIMA (Department of Maritime Civilizations)
  Kisabro NAKATA,Dr.Eng. (Department of Geo-Environmental Technology)
  Yoshiyuki SHIMIZU,Dr.Eng. (Department of Marine Mineral Resources)
  Shin-ichi Ono,Dr.Fish. (Department of Fisheries)
  Yoshiyasu WATANABE,Dr.Eng. (Department of Marine Design and Engineering)
  Yoshhisa KATO,Dr.Sci. (Department of Marine Sience)
  Haruo SATO,Dr.Eng (Department of Nautical Engineering)
  Atsuko YOSHIDA (Department of Liberal Arts)
  Shigeru MURAKAWA (Department of Health and Physical Education)
  Nobuhiko FUJII, Dr.Sci. (Department of MAthematics)