Journal of The School of Marine Science and Technology,Vol.5 No.2
The central fatigue influences on the situation assessment ability and
ammonia takes part as a central fatigue factor in soccer game
Hajime OHMORI, Daisuke AOKI, Tatsumasa KUBOTA, Satoru KANEKI
and Shigeru MURAKAMI
In this text,we paid attention to the influence of the central fatigue on the situation assessment ability in soccer game and reviewed the findings that attached to 1)the physiological responses in soccer,2)the relationship between physical exercise and calculation result, and 3)ammonia as the central fatigue factor.
1) The high intensity movements such as jumps, turns, kicks, dribbles and tackles are irregularly demanded based on the run movements of various intensities in soccer game.The average oxygen intake under the game is in the range of 70-80%VO2max. Moreover, it would be true that there exists the phase the blood lactate value temporarily becomes 10mmol/l or more if it conjectures from the data during or immediately after the game. 2) There are a lot of findings that admit the reverse-U relationship between the exercise load and the calculation result. In that case, the exercise load might be appropriate to imply the exercise intensity and the exercise duration. Moreover, the investigation on both sides (the answer speed and accuracy)is needed further. In addition, after the fatigue tolerance of subjects to the exercise is considered,it is necessary to discuss these issues.3)It is conjectured that the main route of ammonia production is a purine nucleotide cycle in skeletal muscle during exercise, and the ammonia production rises at the high intensity exercise that the fast twitch fibers are recruited and the fatigue with a decrease in pH. Moreover, the exercise raises the blood ammonia and the brain ammonia via the blood brain barrier,and it can be true that the enhanced brain ammonia suppress the brain energy metabolism.In addition,it can be thought that decreases of glutamic acid and GABA by enhancement of the brain ammonia metabolism have negative influences on the neurotransmission function and the performance of endurance exercise, respectively.
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